Smailholm Village Hall
Smailholm Village Hall

Kelso Farmers' Market

There is a Farmers' Market held in Kelso Square, usually on the 4th Saturday of each month, 9.30 am. - 1.30 pm. 


The market is run by the stallholders themselves, which helps keep prices down, and features a wide variety of goodies, including free-range chickens, mutton, outdoor reared pork products, grass-fed aberdeen angus beef, venison, pheasant, rabbit and other game, local cheeses, butter and cream, delicious bread, fruit and vegetables, home-made cakes and sweets, ginger wine, olive oil, honey, and much more.

Come along and support your local producers.

If you are interested in taking a stall, contact the Kelso Farmers Market Stall Co-ordinator at -

Forthcoming dates in 2024: 25 May, 22 June, 13 July, 24 August, 28 September, 26 October, 23 November, 21 December


We are located at:

Smailholm Village Hall




If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us.

01573 460254

or use the form on our Contact page.

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